Estimates Accounting Policies |
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The Estimates fully consolidates the Consolidated Revenue Fund, which consists of the General Fund (voted appropriations and all Special Accounts), with the individual assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of taxpayer-supported Crown corporations/agencies and regional authorities on a line-by-line basis. Self-supported Crown corporation/agency results are consolidated using the modified equity basis, which includes the profit/loss of each Crown corporation/agency rather than the individual assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. |
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The accounting policies followed in the Estimates comply, in all material respects, with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for senior governments as modified by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB), with the following exceptions: |
a. |
Reporting Entity – PSAB currently defines the government reporting entity to include organizations that are accountable for the administration of their financial affairs and resources either to a minister of the government or directly to the legislature, and are owned or controlled by government. Guidance relating to determining the government reporting entity is currently undergoing a major review. It is anticipated that the criteria for inclusion will be changed from organizations that are accountable to government to organizations that are controlled by government. The guidelines will include indicators of control that will assist in the determination of whether or not an entity is controlled by government. The indicators clearly show that school districts, colleges and health authorities should be included in the government reporting entity. However, the indicators make a strong case for the exclusion of universities from the government reporting entity. Discussions with the Auditor General regarding the status of universities are ongoing.
The Budget Transparency and Accountability Act, 2001 requires
government to fully implement GAAP by April 1, 2004. School districts,
colleges, universities and health authorities are not currently
included in the government’s Summary Financial Statements. Inclusion
of these entities in the 2001/02 Public Accounts would have decreased
the Statement of Operations surplus by $225 million. In the previous
four years, inclusion of these entities would have slightly reduced
the Statement of Operations deficit in each year except one when
it would have slightly increased the deficit. The Auditor General
has qualified his opinion on the government’s Summary Financial
Statements as a result of the exclusion of school districts, colleges,
universities and health authorities from the government reporting
entity. |
b. |
Prepaid Capital Advances – Prepaid Capital Advances are provided to school districts, post secondary institutions, health organizations and other specified government organizations to fund capital asset acquisitions. The province has an ongoing claim to these assets and, accordingly, capitalizes the advances and amortizes them over the useful life of the underlying capital assets. PSAB recommends that governments fully expense these advances in the year they are disbursed.
Significant Presentation Changes in the2002/03 Estimates |
| The 2003/04 Estimates
presentation has been changed in order to achieve direct linkage between
inputs ($/FTEs) and outputs/outcomes, as indicated by performance measures
and targets included in ministry service plans. This change provides alignment
between sub-votes in the Estimates and core business areas in ministry
service plans. The following significant presentation changes have been
incorporated into the 2003/04 Estimates: |
1. |
Restatement of 2002/03 Estimates
– The 2002/03 Estimates and Forecast have been restated to be consistent
with the 2003/04 Estimates presentation. Schedule A presents
a detailed reconciliation of Consolidated Revenue Fund operating
expense, capital expenditures and FTEs to restate the 2002/03 Estimates
to be consistent with the 2003/04 Estimates presentation.
2. |
Regional Authorities - During
fiscal years 2003/04 to 2005/06, the Ministry of Children and Family
Development will transfer authority for services in its Community
Living Services and Child and Family Development programs to new
governance structures. While these bodies will be responsible for
directing operating and managing funds and services, the government
will retain responsibility for funding, performance agreements,
and monitoring and assessing accountabilities of the authorities.
Therefore, these authorities are included in the government reporting
entity. Details on the estimated revenues and expenses of these
regional authorities can be found in Schedule L of the 2003/04
Estimates. |
3. |
Summary Information - In prior
years, the Estimates consolidated taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency
results using the modified equity basis which included the profits/losses
of Crown corporations/agencies rather than the individual assets,
liabilities, revenues and expenses. Commencing with the 2003/04
Estimates, the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of
taxpayer-supported entities have been consolidated with the assets,
liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Consolidated Revenue Fund
on a line-by-line basis. This presentation is consistent with GAAP
consolidation policies. A number of tables in the Summary Information
section of the Estimates have also been changed to conform with
the new method of consolidation.
The presentation format of the Estimated Statement of Financial Position (formerly known as the Balance Sheet) has changed to comply with GAAP presentation requirements for government organizations. The Estimated Statement of Operations fully consolidates the revenues and expenses of the government. In prior years' Estimates, this table was located in the Schedules section for information purposes only. The Estimated Deficit Overview provides a high level presentation of the Statement of Operations and separates out taxpayer-supported programs and agencies from self-supported operations. Taxpayer-supported programs and agencies include the Consolidated Revenue Fund, taxpayer-supported Crown corporation/agency and regional authorities. The Estimated Revenue by Source table combines the revenues of taxpayer-supported programs and agencies with the net earnings of self-supported Crown corporations/agencies to arrive at the total revenue. The Estimated Expense by Organization combines the operating expenses of taxpayer-supported programs and agencies to arrive at the total expense.
4. |
Estimates of Special Offices, Ministries
and Other Appropriations - The 2003/04 Estimates presentation
format of this section has been changed to better align with ministry
service plans. Each ministry section begins with a summary page
which includes the ministry's mission statement as well as a summary
of the total voted and statutory (Special Accounts) expense, capital
and other financing transactions and fulltime equivalent (FTE) employment
for the fiscal year. The following pages disclose the operating
expenses, capital expenditures and other financing transactions
by core business on both a summary and detailed level. The Special
Offices and Other Appropriations sections of the Estimates have
also changed to correspond with the new format. However, as Special
Offices and Other Appropriations are not required to disclose activities
by core business, the operating expense, capital expenditures and
other financing transactions for these sections are disclosed by
vote. The group account classification for voted expenses is reported
at the ministry level in the Estimates; details on group account
classification at the individual sub-vote level can be found in
the Supplement to the Estimates. |
5. |
Schedules - The 2003/04 Estimates
includes five new schedules. The first schedule, Regional Authorities
- Estimated Revenues and Expenses (Schedule L) provides details
on the estimated revenues and expenses of the Ministry of Children
and Family Development governance authorities. The second and third
schedules, Reconciliation of Deficit to Change in Taxpayer-Supported
Debt and Statement of Total Debt (Schedule H) and Estimated Consolidated
Revenue Fund Operating Result (Schedule J) are schedules that in
previous years' Estimates have been included in the Summary Information
section. The fourth schedule, Estimated Revenue by Source (Schedule
M) provides a detailed reconciliation of revenue by both source
and organization. The purpose of this schedule is to show the revenue
attributable to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, Crown corporation/agencies
and regional authorities on a source basis. The fifth schedule,
Estimated Expense by Function (Schedule N) provides a detailed reconciliation
of expenses by both function and organization. The purpose of this
schedule is to show the operating expenses attributable to the Consolidated
Revenue Fund, Crown corporation/agencies and regional authorities
on a functional basis. |